LION Trader - Platform Tips vol.1
Platform Tips
Have you ever changed the look feel of
your Lion Trader platform? Ever felt that you are constricted to the
one Window? Why not try undocking windows in your platform so that you
can organise and view them just the way you want. Here's how to do it:
There are three available modes of
docking windows in Lion Trader. They determine the positioning and behaviour
of individual windows relative to the main application window.
To access a window's docking mode, left-click on the Lion icon in the top
left corner of a desired window.
The following menu will appear:
Docked: The window is anchored to the main application window.
Undocked: The window can be dragged and positioned outside of the main
application window. When the main application window is minimized/maximized,
the undocked window is also.
Detached: The window can be dragged and positioned outside of the main
application window. The window will appear as a separate item on the Windows
Taskbar. Minimizing/maximizing the main application window will not affect
the detached window. If the main application window is closed, the detached
window will also be closed.
As one famous Meerkat said....'Simple'.